Dialysis Transportation; Home Dialysis Can Be the Solution

If traveling to and from the dialysis center is a challenge for you, consider home dialysis. Save time, cut transportation costs, and keep up with your dialysis schedule from the comfort of your own home. You and your doctor can customize a flexible home dialysis treatment plan that fits into your lifestyle.
Common Transportation Problems for People Dialyzing In-Center
Public transportation is usually the least expensive option, but it isn’t always reliable.2 Limited hours might not work with your treatment schedule, service might not run during holidays, and public transportation can be delayed without warning. If you live in a rural area or are far away from a dialysis center, it can be even more challenging to find transportation.
Dialysis transportation issues aren’t just stressful, they can impact your health. Delaying, missing, or cutting dialysis treatments short puts added stress on your body and can cause health issues.1,2 Getting to and from the dialysis center can be complicated, so you may wish to skip the travel troubles and do dialysis at home instead.
Home Dialysis Puts You In the Driver’s Seat
6 Ways Home Dialysis Solves Your Transportation Problems
1. Keep up with your busy schedule
2. Have your supplies delivered
3. Save money on transportation
4. Plan for doctor visits
5. Visit your care team virtually
6. Travel on your own terms
Save a Trip with Home Dialysis
If you choose to do in-center dialysis and are having trouble with transportation, contact your social worker. They can help you keep up with your treatments, no matter where you dialyze.
1 Moist LM, Bragg-Gresham JL, Pisoni RL, Saran R, et al. Travel time to dialysis as a predictor of health-related quality of life, adherence, and mortality: the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS). American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2008;51(4):641-650.
2 Chan KE, Thadhani RI, Maddux FW. Adherence barriers to chronic dialysis in the United States. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2014; 25(11):2642-2648.
3 Finkelstein FO, Schiller B, Daoui R, Gehr TW, et al. At-home short daily hemodialysis improves the long-term health-related quality of life. Kidney International 2012;82 (5):561-569. https://doi.org/10.1038/ki.2012.168.
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