Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
The goal of treating CKD is to best control your health at every stage. This can help slow the decline and keep your kidneys working as long as possible. When you and your nephrologist (kidney doctor) agree that it’s time to start treatment, you have options to choose from—including a kidney transplant or dialysis. These options can help people live well for many years.

10 Facts about CKD
About 14% of US adults have CKD—that’s about 37 million people.
What are the signs and symptoms of CKD?

Are you at risk for CKD?
There are certain factors that put you at a higher risk for CKD, including your family history, certain health conditions, overuse of certain medications, and being a member of a historically marginalized group. Take action—early diagnosis is key! Talk to your doctor about getting screened for CKD if you have any known risk factors, including diabetes or high blood pressure.

How is chronic kidney disease diagnosed?
Early detection is key to slowing the progression of CKD and preserving your kidney function. Make testing a priority! If you’re at risk for CKD, talk to your doctor about monitoring your kidney health. Your doctor can determine if you have kidney disease by calculating your eGFR. This is done by looking at the results of certain blood and urine tests that your doctor may order, as well as other health information about you. If you have symptoms or have been diagnosed with kidney disease, talk to your doctor about a referral to see a nephrologist (kidney doctor)—the most qualified doctor to help you manage your kidney health.

Early diagnosis is key when it comes to CKD, so it’s important to be aware of the symptoms and risk factors. Although a CKD diagnosis may leave you feeling uncertain about the future, always remember that you have options when it comes to managing your health. Working closely with a nephrologist and other members of your care team can help you live a happy and active life for years to come.
There are five stages of CKD. Your stage is determined by your level of kidney function. Knowing your stage and what steps to take can help you stay your healthiest.
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