Glomerulonephritis: Symptoms and Treatments

What Is Glomerulonephritis?
The glomerulus is the basic filtering unit of the kidney. The glomerulus contains several tiny filters known as glomeruli. Glomerulonephritis occurs when the glomeruli become scarred, damaged, and inflamed and can no longer filter your blood effectively.1 Glomerulonephritis may present itself suddenly or slowly over time.
- Acute glomerulonephritis: happens suddenly, often after a skin or throat infection
- Chronic glomerulonephritis: develops slowly over time, often without symptoms1
Causes of Glomerulonephritis
Common causes of chronic glomerulonephritis include:
- High blood pressure
- Family history
- Cancer
- Certain immune diseases
- Diabetes
Potential causes of acute glomerulonephritis include:
- Strep throat
- Lupus
- Viral infections such as hepatitis B and C2
Symptoms of Glomerulonephritis
Although your kidneys may become damaged before any warning signs appear,3 it is still important to be aware of potential symptoms so you can take action to protect your kidney health as soon as possible. If you have any conditions that may cause glomerulonephritis, or a family history of any symptoms, it’s recommended that you get screened regularly.
Keep an eye out for the following symptoms of glomerulonephritis:
- Swelling in your hands, face, feet, and stomach
- Frequent nighttime urination
- Blood in your urine
- Less frequent urination
- Bubbly or foamy urine
- Fatigue
- High blood pressure
If you’re experiencing 2 or more of these symptoms, talk to your doctor, who can help you determine the root cause and what actions to take.
How Is Glomerulonephritis Diagnosed?
- Urinalysis—checks for high protein (proteinuria), infection, and red and white blood cells3
- Blood test—determines how well your kidneys are filtering your blood; your doctor may check your blood for excess waste3
- Kidney ultrasound—takes images of your kidneys to check for any abnormalities3
- Kidney biopsy—small samples of your kidney are removed and examined3
Glomerulonephritis can also progress to chronic kidney disease (CKD) so it’s important to talk to your doctor to determine if you have or are at risk for CKD. The sooner you determine if you have glomerulonephritis, the sooner you can begin working on a care plan to protect your kidney health.4
Treatment of Glomerulonephritis
Below are a few tips to help you manage glomerulonephritis and your overall health:
- Eat a healthy diet. Eating a well-balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains—and less protein, salt, and potassium—will help you feel your best.
- Control your blood pressure. Glomerulonephritis usually causes high blood pressure, which can lead to further kidney damage. Work with your doctor to monitor and control your blood pressure.
- Lower your cholesterol. High cholesterol is common among people with glomerulonephritis.2 Taking steps to reduce your cholesterol, through diet and potentially medication, can help avoid other complications such as heart and vascular disease.
- Get vaccinated. People with glomerulonephritis are more vulnerable to infections. To protect your health, consider getting vaccinations for conditions including COVID-19, flu, and pneumonia.
Take Control of Your Kidney Health
1 "What Is Glomerulonephritis?". 2015. National Kidney Foundation.
2 "Glomerulonephritis - Treatment". 2019. National Health Service.
3 "Glomerulonephritis". 2021. John Hopkins Medicine."Glomerulonephritis - Symptoms And Causes". 2021. Mayo Clinic.
4 "Glomerulonephritis - Symptoms And Causes". 2021. Mayo Clinic.
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