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At-Home Hemodialysis Monitoring

At-home hemodialysis gives you the convenience of receiving hemodialysis at home with the confidence that your health is still being closely monitored by healthcare professionals.
Contact your dialysis care team 24/7.

We’re here to help, 24/7

You may be doing dialysis at home, but you’re never alone. If you ever have questions about your equipment or your health, we’re here with 24/7 on-call nursing coverage. Together with a technical support team, your on-call, home-dialysis nurse will work with you to provide answers or solutions for everything from health concerns to equipment malfunctions. Your nurse will also give you a special local number for you to call.
Check in with your home hemodialysis team.

Monthly check-ins with your team

In addition to daily support and health monitoring, you’ll also have a scheduled monthly check-in at your local dialysis center and a meeting with your care team. Making sure your at-home hemodialysis treatment and overall care plan are working for you can help you stay your healthiest—so you can live your fullest. Your monthly check-in is also a good time to ask any questions or discuss ongoing care with your doctor or nurse.

a group of people playing dominos
Request a home dialysis conversation
Home dialysis can mean fewer food restrictions, less medication, and more flexibility with treatment schedules.
Speak to an expert

Advocate for your best health

While there’s plenty of support and monitoring, be sure and speak up immediately to your nephrologist (kidney doctor) or another member of your at-home hemodialysis care team if you aren’t feeling well. Your doctor may want to make adjustments to your care plan, so don’t wait to bring up any unusual signs or symptoms.

Tell your nurse right away if you:

  1. 2_3_5-At-Home Hemodialysis_HD MONITORING_01DoNotFeelWell FINAL
    Do not feel well
  2. 2_3_5-At-Home Hemodialysis_HD MONITORING_07Blood
    Have any abnormal bleeding
  3. have a fever
    Have a fever
  4. 2_3_5-At-Home Hemodialysis_HD MONITORING_08Experience
    Experience a change in your health
  5. 2_3_5-At-Home Hemodialysis_HD MONITORING_03StomachAche
    Feel stomach pain
  6. 2_3_5-At-Home Hemodialysis_HD MONITORING_09Hospital
    Are hospitalized for any reason
  7. breathing issues
    Have a hard time breathing
  8. 2_3_5-At-Home Hemodialysis_HD MONITORING_10Treatment
    Miss any treatment(s)
  9. 2_3_5-At-Home Hemodialysis_HD MONITORING_05Access
    Have an access issue
  10. 2_3_5-At-Home Hemodialysis_HD MONITORING_11carepartner
    Have a new care partner, who may need to be trained
  11. 2_3_5-At-Home Hemodialysis_HD MONITORING_06Vitals
    Have a change in your vital signs or weight
  12. 2_3_5-At-Home Hemodialysis_HD MONITORING_12DoctorVisit
    Have any doctors' visits scheduled
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