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    Employer Sponsored Health Insurance and Dialysis


    Some employers offer health insurance to employees through private insurance companies. These commercial health plans generally offer basic hospital and medical coverage, in addition to benefits such as:

    • Prescription drug coverage
    • Dental, vision, and hearing coverage
    • Wellness programs

    What do I need to know about my employer sponsored health plan coverage?

    It’s important to understand the benefits and costs of your employer coverage so you’ll know what to expect with dialysis or transplant treatment. Benefits vary among different employer plans, along with premiums and out-of-pocket costs. You may also have a deductible that needs to be met before your plan’s coverage starts. Your employer, human resources manager, or benefits manager will be able to give you details on your plan’s benefits and costs.


    What is the cost of dialysis with employer sponsored health insurance plans?

    Different plans cover different services at different costs. The best way for you to understand your dialysis costs is to talk to your health insurance provider. Because costs can vary over time, you may have to wait until you're billed for exact costs. Some factors that you may want to consider costs for include:

    • In-center or home dialysis treatments
    • Doctor and care team appointments
    • Labs and bloodwork
    • Dialysis medications
    • Home dialysis supplies
    • Transportation to and from appointments

    Staying on your employer sponsored health insurance

    If you are currently on an employer health plan and considering your coverage options, your employer health plan may be your best coverage option. Employer sponsored health insurance offers continual coverage, without interruptions, when you start or change treatment for end stage renal disease (ESRD). Plus, you may have access to more benefits than other options would offer. Your employer plan also has a cap on maximum out of pocket costs—and it may be lower than other coverage. This means you could pay less overall for better coverage.

    Learn about insurance and dialysis costs.
    Your insurance coordinator is here to help

    When you’re starting treatment at Fresenius Kidney Care, your insurance coordinator will help you understand your insurance.

    Read more
    Learn about your dialysis treatment costs.
    Understand­ing dialysis treatment costs
    Find out more about coverage for dialysis and key insurance terms.
    Learn more

    Continue your employer group health plan coverage with COBRA

    If you lose insurance coverage under an employer group health plan, you may be able to keep your employer plan coverage for up to 18 months (and even 36 months in some cases) under the federal law known as COBRA. Maintaining your employer plan coverage through COBRA may provide better coverage options for your dialysis services until you get new coverage. 

    Talk to your insurance coordinator if you lose your employer health coverage. You have 60 days to elect to receive COBRA coverage. NOTE: If you obtain other insurance coverage while on COBRA, your COBRA coverage may terminate.

    How can I get health insurance if my employer doesn’t offer it?

    If your employer doesn’t offer health insurance, you may have other options for health coverage when you start dialysis. Talk to your insurance coordinator for help understanding your options for private insurance or government-sponsored insurance such as Medicare.

    Contacted by your insurance company? Let us know
    If you get a letter, email, or phone call with requests for information from your insurance company, contact your insurance coordinator immediately. He or she will be able to help with 
    time-sensitive decisions.