Your Role in At-Home Hemodialysis Treatment
If the person you care for has chosen at-home hemodialysis, you’ll need to be there during the procedure unless your loved one has been trained to do home hemodialysis on his or her own. At-home hemodialysis can be done 3 to 6 times a week for 2 to 8 hours at a time. If you’re partnering to help with treatment, make sure you can handle the commitment.

Knowledge is key

If you’re a home hemodialysis care partner, you’ll train together with your loved one
Over the course of 4 to 8 weeks, you’ll learn all aspects of performing a dialysis treatment with the home treatment team. The great news is that it will eventually become a regular routine you’ll find relatively easy to do.

Get into the routine

Find the right space

Eat well, be well

Get outside

Keep track of their symptoms

Keep important information with you

Give yourself a break

Missing even a few minutes of dialysis a few times a month can severely impact the person you care for, including life expectancy. Helping your loved one stay on schedule and get full treatments can help your loved one live longer and feel better.